Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Des Moines Half Marathon
Des Moines, Iowa
Sunday, October 16, 2011

When I finished the Des Moines Half Marathon in Des Moines, Iowa on Sunday, October 16, 2011, I completed my 49th state in my quest to finish a half marathon in all 50 states plus DC. I have only one more to go!!!!!!! The day of the event produced wonderful weather as the temperature varied between 50 and 55 degrees, the skies were cloudy, and there was only a small breeze. There were plenty of enthusiastic volunteers to man the water/Gatorade stations which were located approximately every two miles. The nearly flat course was completely closed to traffic and there were no intersections where traffic crossed the course. The event was very well organized and had approximately 8000 participants in the marathon, half marathon, and 5K. The event offered a fairly large amount of prize money and attracted many elite athletes. Course records were set by 5 of the 6 overall winners.
My friend, Bart Yasso, from Runner’s World, was a speaker at the exposition and pasta dinner. He helped with the announcing at the start and finish line on race day, instead of running the marathon as he had hoped. He has chronic knee problems that are the result of Lyme disease, brought on by being bitten by a tick several years ago.
I again wore my knee brace on my left knee which allowed me complete the half marathon without much pain until about mile 10. I truly enjoyed my trip to Des Moines which included a side trip to the town of Winterset in Madison County, Iowa to view the six covered bridges and many buildings used by Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep in the movie: The Bridges of Madison County.


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