Sunday, August 12, 2012

The following article was published in the Key West Citizen on August 12, 2012. WALKING Still Going Despite knee replacement, Kalb keeps up the pace BY RON COOKE Citizen Staff Writer KEYWEST—For most individuals, a total knee replace¬ment means an improved quality of life; doing simple things like walking without pain, playing a round of golf or maybe even a set of ten¬nis. Chester Kalb, better known as the Southernmost Walker, is happy with the walking part — at his pace. A successful race walker since 2002, Kalb underwent knee anthroplasty (replacement) in February. He is already training for his next half marathon in October. Once a very competitive runner, Kalb stopped the running and started race walking to fill the void. For the past couple of years, Kalb specialized in marathons, completing one in each of the 50 states and Washington D.C. His wife, Gerda, has completed a half marathon in every state and is on her second round. "In 1986 I stopped run¬ning, I moved away from the sport," said Kalb. "I met Gerda, who was competing as a runner. I did not like to watch from the sidelines so got into race walking. I decided if I can walk faster than the slowest runner then they can't complain about me being in the race. I was actually a little bit faster than the slowest runner. "We started traveling and meeting people and got interested in doing marathons in different states," explained Kalb as they embarked on their 50 state journeys. After miles and miles of marathons and most recently half marathons, Kalb's left knee began to show signs of weakening. "We joined the 50 State Club which has over 2,000 participants and the Marathon Maniacs have over 5,000 runners and walkers," said Kalb. "Another group for half marathons, the Half Fanatics, started in 2009 and they already have 2,600 members. I got their very first Fanatic Award which started in 2010 and Gerda was third for the female Fanatics club. In order to earn it, you have to do more half marathons than anyone in the club." To prove his maniacal spirit, Kalb wanted to tackle Pike's Peak one more time. His first time doing the event top¬ping out at over 14,000 feet above sea level, he only did half to prevent injury to his knee. His second time doing the Colorado race he incurred another health issue, this time a pulmonary embolism from the altitude. "In less than a month, I recov¬ered from it and began doing half marathons," explained Kalb. "It was from a clot mov¬ing up from my left leg. I could not breathe. Also, I was having some problems with my knee." During the Space Coast Marathon in 2008, the knee buckled, but he managed to finish the race. It was the begin¬ning of his knee deterioration; yet, he still took part in half marathons. He hoped a little arthroscopic surgery would do the trick. Kalb went to a local orthopedic surgeon whose diagnosis was a little more serious than Kalb expected — total knee replace¬ment. "I still had three more states that I wanted to do half mara¬thons to finish my 50 states" said Kalb. "That was last June and I had the three half marathons scheduled for October. My doc¬tor told me, no, I needed a knee replacement. I told the doctor I'd like to be able to finish the 50 states in half marathons." Kalb said most of the time, a knee replacement means the end of any kind of competitive career. "I asked what the possibility of continuing and finishing the states was. He told me as long I could stand the discomfort, a knee replacement is a knee replacement, and the surgery is not going to be any more difficult." Kalb used his knee brace and completed seven more half marathons before his surgery. "After the Miami Marathon in January, I did five miles a day until the day before the surgery. The pain was not too bad," remembered Kalb. Surgery was a success. The next day, Kalb was up and walk¬ing the hospital hallways. "I didn't know how much I was supposed to be walking. They told me I was doing well and I asked if I could I go further," said Kalb. "The last three days, I was walking the longest they would allow three times a day." After his release from the hospital, Kalb walked around the hallways of his apartment complex. "When I thought I could do a mile without any problem is when I started walking outside," Kalb said. "My first walk outside, I went a mile and I gradually increased my dis¬tance." He recently received medical clearance to train and is up to five-plus miles a day. "I have two long days and the other days I do five miles," he said. "There is some ache some¬times. It's not meant to twist so if I sleep wrong on it I hurt in the mornings. The doctor said under normal wear and tear I should get 25 to 30 years. I thought, let's see, I'm 66 and if I go another 30 years I'll be 96." Mechanically, Kalb said his knee is as solid as ever. On his morning walks along South Roosevelt, he said he is faster than his last competitive races in December and January. "I'm not prepared yet. If I actually come down another minute and a half, I'll be as fast as I ever was," said the optimis¬tic Kalb. "I'll know before I go if I'm going to be able to finish." Kalb said his wife would like to finish the 50 states again, but needs to get in shape. "She's only nine states away from finishing so we're going to do that," said Kalb. "I've already signed up for the Miami and Jacksonville half marathons. Other than the October race in Pennsylvania, the rest of the half marathons are in Florida. Even though I've already signed up for some races, if I can't do it, all I'm out is the entry fee. "I'm confident things are going to work out well. If it doesn't, that's the way it goes."


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