Sunday, March 12, 2017

Myrtle Beach Half Marathon
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Saturday. March 4, 2017

On Saturday, March 4, 2017 I race walked the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  It was cold as the temperature varied from 35 to 45 degrees with sunny skies and a breeze of 5 to 10 mph.  The course was relatively flat on city roads that were completely closed to traffic and were controlled by numerous police officers that kept the approximately 4500 participants in the marathon and half marathon safe.  Water/Gatorade stations were located approximately every two miles and were very crowded at each station as the amount of tables were not enough to allow a smooth operation.  There were probably enough volunteers if they were on both sides of the course and spread out over a greater area.  The volunteers were friendly and did a good job considering the organization of the stations.  I really appreciate the police and volunteers who braved the cold to provide for my needs and safety.  Everything else about the event seemed to be well organized and made the event fun to do.  There is an after party at the House of Blues on Saturday night which I plan on attending.  I enjoyed myself and have now done the 20 year event 3 times- one marathon and two half marathons.

At the Exposition

Before the Race

After the Race

At the After Party


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