Sunday, February 23, 2020

Gasparilla Half Marathon

Tampa, Florida

Sunday, February 23, 2020

On Sunday, February 23, 2020 I race walked the Gasparilla Half Marathon in Tampa, Florida.  The temperature varied from 51 to 62 degrees with sunny skies and 5-10 mph wind.  The course was almost flat on city streets that were completely closed to traffic with a 5 mile loop on Davis Island and an 8 mile out and back on Bayshore Drive.  Police were stationed at the intersections to ensure that no traffic entered the course.  Water/Gatorade stations were located approximately every 1.5 miles and had plenty of friendly efficient volunteers to take care of the needs of the participants.  The event is held over two days with a 15K and a 5K on Saturday and a half marathon and an 8K on Sunday.  The 4 races all start at different times making it possible for an individual do 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the races.  The whole event had about 30000 entries and there was a large number of participants that did all four races.  There were three celebrities at the event - Meb Keflezoghi, Deena Kastor, and Bart Yasso.  Meb has won both the New York and Boston Marathons and earned an Olympic Marathon Medal.  Deena has won the Chicago and London Marathons, an Olympic Marathon Medal, set 10 American records at various distances, and also set the Woman’s Masters World Records in the Half and Full Marathons in 2014 and 2015.  My friend, Bart is well known for his accomplishments while working at Runner’s World which he retired from in December of 2017.  I have completed this event 12 times - 5 marathons (no longer held) and 7 half marathons.  I was given a VIP Pass by an employee of a local TV Station and was able to spend my post-race in the VIP Tent with the elite athletes, race committee members, Meb, Deena and Bart and a few other people who had a VIP Pass.  It was quite enjoyable.

The Exposition

Bart Yasso

Chester Kalb
Bart Yasso

Chester Kalb
Deena Kastor

Chester Kalb
Meb Keflezighi

Deena Kastor
Her Daughter

Chester Kalb
Jim Crist

Chester Ksalb
Megan Lucas

VIP Tent

Meb Keflezighi
His Daughter

Race Announcer

Bart Yasso
Race Director


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